BlawgWorld 2007 is a free eBook featuring "77 thought-provoking essays from 77 of the most influential blawgs." I’m honored Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips was selected to be included with that group.Blawgworld07cover

Neil Squilante, Sara Skiff and the rest of the gang at TechnoLawyer have once again put together an outstanding publication in PDF format.

For 100 weeks now, law-related bloggers (or blawgers, if you prefer) have been volunteering a few hours of their time each week to do a round-up of that week’s blawg postings with lots of careful attention and lots of links. I can’t say for sure that I’ve read a majority of them, but I’ve read

I have been known to talk about lawyers delivering information to clients in the manner in which serves the client best. This means talking with the client about whether they prefer e-mail or hard copies, how frequently they wish to receive status reports, how your billing works into their payment cycle and lines of organizational

The Journal Record, an Oklahoma City-based legal newspaper, published a story this week titled Law Blogs: 21st Century Advertising? A local TV station republished it on their web site so you can read it here. I’m not sure how long it will be avaialble. They interviewed me and OBA General Counsel Dan Murdock

Well, the latest legal technology and law practice management expert to start a blog is none other than Ross Kodner.  Ross Ipsa Loquitur is the name of his blog. Surely Ross’s name will be familiar to most of you reading this blog. It certainly is familar to many Oklahoma lawyers due to his numerous guest

Blawg Review  #70, the "Back-to-School" edition, is just too interesting for you to miss. Check it out here.  This layout is very clever.  Am I the only one who thinks that this format actually allows you to scroll through the posts more quickly? There are quite a few worthwhile posts noted this week. The