For 100 weeks now, law-related bloggers (or blawgers, if you prefer) have been volunteering a few hours of their time each week to do a round-up of that week’s blawg postings with lots of careful attention and lots of links. I can’t say for sure that I’ve read a majority of them, but I’ve read quite a few. Some have been great and some forgettable. I’m proud to have hosted Blawg Review #49 exactly one year ago today.

Blawg Review #100 is a trip down memory lane. Ye Old Blawg Review Editor handles the task herself this week. (Well, being anonymous it could be "himself," but I have my opinions.) The Editor posts a link to each of the prior ninety-nine Blawg Review posts, if available, and also included links to any interesting content which that blawgger had posted last week. Check out Blawg Review #100. It is worth a quick scroll, even if you don’t have time to read about them all. The number of different law-related blogs will certainly get your attention. Even if you are not really into following blogs, you could learn of one you could really use next month.

And, of course, Blawg Review, with its "hundredth" birthday so near my own, has to be our Website of the Week!