I have been known to talk about lawyers delivering information to clients in the manner in which serves the client best. This means talking with the client about whether they prefer e-mail or hard copies, how frequently they wish to receive status reports, how your billing works into their payment cycle and lines of organizational communication. I do think, in many instances, communicating with clients via reports and copies in PDF format will prove to be increasingly popular.
The Law Practice Tips Blog serves information in several formats. The reader can peruse the blog website, or subscribe to receive the posts by e-mail. RSS Newsfeeds allow many to read the posts in their newsreader, even if not all of them recognize MyYahoo as a newsreader. RSS is used in other ways. The Wisconsin Bar uses the technology to republish (with permission) all of this blog’s content at Practice411 Advice Alerts. My blog posts are frequently featured as a part of the such diverse places as the Vermont Bar News or the Stark County (OH) Law Library. And it is a given within the blogosphere that other bloggers link to and comment on your posts.
Well, in recently trying a couple of new things, I did sort of forget about some of the e-mail subscribers and others. So a couple of the last two posts may have been cryptic to some. One was about a YouTube Video, The Machine is Us/ing Us. This graphic representation of the evolution of the WWW to Web 2.0 became one of the most popular videos on YouTube and was the first video I ever wanted to feature on my blog. Embedding a visual link to the video was something new to learn. It looked good. But I should have also included the normal link to the video for the e-mail subscribers and Web republishers’ audiences.
Live and learn. Here it is: http://youtube.com/watch?v=6gmP4nk0EOE
Then a couple of days ago, I used a new Google application to create Oklahoma Law Practice Tips Search. There was a little interface called a gadget that I posted right into a blog post that let readers do searches. Of course the gadget didn’t go out via e-mail or all other methods. (And to my fristration, it sometimes didn’t even appear when one first looked at the blog post on the site and you had to hit refresh.)
That’s OK because I wanted to mention Oklahoma Law Practice Tips Search again anyway. Check it out. Search for law practice management questions or terms (e.g. staff, management scanners) and you may find some interesting results. Basically I have created a Google subset of sites geared to law practice advice, with some Oklahoma law sites thrown in.
Heres the link to the page: http://tinyurl.com/33ts4l
As I said, live and learn.