Jim Calloway is the Director of the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Management Assistance Program. I served as co-chair of ABA TECHSHOW 2005 and the first two GPSSF National Solo and Small Firm Conferences in 2006 and 2007. I frequently write and speak on legal technology issues, Internet research, law office management and organization and legal ethics. I make several dozen presentations per year to county bar meetings and other CLE events within Oklahoma.
I manage several projects for the OBA, including the OBA-NET, our member’s official online community, and the OBA Solo and Small Firm Conference. OBA members may e-mail or call me during the day for information and assistance.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to respond to all e-mails from non-OBA members. But your interest and suggestions are appreciated.
I have also been fortunate enough to be asked to speak at several national conferences, including the American Bar Association Annual Meetings from 1999 through 2007, ABA TECHSHOW 2000 through 2007, LegalTech Toronto and Dallas 2000, Pacific Legal Tech 2006, ACLEA annual meeting 2006 and LegalTech New York 2006. I have done presentations for the National Association of Bar Executives and the National Council of Bar Presidents at their annual meetings. I have also spoken at state bar association meetings and seminars for the Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Texas, South Carolina and Utah state bar associations, as well as the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association. My articles have been published in Lawyers Weekly USA, Law Practice Management magazine, Law Practice Today, Law Technology Today, Legal Management magazine, Law Technology News, LLRX.com and GPSolo, as well as many state and local bar association publications. I was recently honored with an induction as a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management.
My Twitter ID is @jimcalloway . If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can see my Twitter page at http://twitter.com/jimcalloway .