Notifications can be a distraction. They often interrupt a train of thought. If you are being notified of non-urgent information that you would likely learn of anyway later, you probably want to reduce your notifications. With iOS devices it’s easy to review all of your notifications. Just click Settings and then Notifications to scroll through

Using either the scroll bar or the arrow keys to move down a web page can be slow and time consuming. The next time you need to scroll down on a webpage try tapping the spacebar on your keyboard for faster scrolling. It’s a bigger target to tap on as well. Want to scroll back

Since technology has taken over law offices, there’s always been one data management task where most lawyers didn’t behave like the software developers wanted us to behave. That is managing tasks with software.

I’ll stand with my fellow lawyers and agree that they are just following precedent. Because before previous generations of lawyers had ever

Completing this week’s holiday shopping tips trilogy is the ZDNet Holiday Gift Guide 2020. Another reputable product review website, ZDNet began as a subscription-based digital service called “ZiffNet” that offered computing information to users of CompuServ. (Some will recall that first version of OBA-NET was also hosted on CompuServ.) It has a long online