2023 cast a huge spotlight on Artificial Intelligence tools. That means it is a great year to attend ABA TECHSHOW, which will be held in Chicago February 14 – 17, 2024. But it is time to decide now! The Early Bird registration ends on Friday, January 11 Update: The ABA TECHSHOW website now says the
Electronic Discovery
A Great Time to Get Ready to Attend ABA TECHSHOW 2024
Technology innovations and artificial intelligence tools have generated much discussion this year. There have been many truly amazing uses for AI demonstrated and many of the tools we currently use are now adding AI components. This is a perfect time to attend ABA TECHSHOW 2024, scheduled February 14-17, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.…
The Oklahoma Bar Association’s 2022 Solo and Small Firm Conference
The Oklahoma Bar Association Solo and Small Firm Conference is back! It will be helf June 23-25 at the Choctaw Casino Resort in Durent.
Oklahoma lawyers and bar staff alike are looking forward to the return of this annual event after Covid kept us from holding this event. So, of course we are attempting to…
Photo Geotagging for Lawyers
There are two areas related to geotagging photos that lawyers need to appreciate. One is related to privacy and security concerns of both lawyers and their clients. Another relates to the sometimes-hidden evidentiary value of geotagged photos.
As Brian X. Chen, consumer technology columnist for The New York Times, noted in a recent…
When Did You Last Update Your Preservation Letter Template? (July 23, 2020)
On Law Firm Profitability and Being a Jetson
Law firms are businesses. Businesses should have the goal of being profitable. The September/October 2016 issue of Law Practice Magazine is the annual finance issue. The cover story is Increasing Law Firm Profitability by Instilling Values by Katy Goshtasbi. This is a well-written “must read” piece which takes a bit of a different look at…
Caig Ball: “Dem Phones, Dem Phones, Dem iPhones”
Electronic data discovery (EDD) and computer forensics are not areas where I claim expertise. But Craig Ball is an expert and his new column Dem Phones, Dem Phones, Dem iPhones is worth a read for anyone involved with the litigation process, whether they deal with preservation and EDD or not. I have linked to the…
You Are Not Paranoid If Everyone Really is Recording You
Stop by the Wall Street Journal website quickly and read “Very Candid Cameras: Autographer and Narrative Clip Are Watching You – Are Wearable Cameras Creepy or Cool? Either Way, They're Here” before the article disappears behind the paywall. While everyone will be thinking about the privacy and courtesy implications, lawyer’s thoughts will immediately turn…
Gathering Evidence – 21st Century Style The Craigslist Killer Case and Boston Marathon Bombing Manhunt Demonstrate the Importance of Digital Clues
Technology advances are changing our world in many ways. The number of digital footprints you leave is no longer limited to Internet use, but now also includes your movements being tracked by the phone you are carrying and hidden video cameras in many places recording you. Gathering Evidence – 21st Century Style. The Craigslist Killer …
Will Predictive Coding in e-Discovery Become an Ethical Requirement?
Every December I do a Recent Developments in Law Office Management and Technology program for the Oklahoma Bar Association's two-day Recent Developments CLE. For 2012 the big story in legal technology had to be the rapid changes in e-discovery and predictive coding. Predictive coding means searching documents using algorithms to locate relevant documents rather than a lawyer…