As working from home increased, Zoom videoconferencing exploded as well. People who couldn’t set up a two-person conference call with their phone could arrange a video conference call with 20 participants across the country that also provided an alternative phone line for those without microphones or other equipment issues.
The attention focused on Zoom as a result of that revealed some weaknesses in the platform and more importantly, some of the settings became very important in the wake of zoombombing attacks on meetings that were not protected by passwords and other issues. Zoom has responded with security upgrades and changes. I am so pleased I got to sit down with Catherine Sanders Reach, Director of the Center for Practice Management for the North Carolina Bar Association to discuss Zoom and its use, as well as alternatives to Zoom for videoconferencing. Our video is about 25 minutes in length. There are links to lots of material as well, including Catherine’s great blog post on the topic earlier this week.