Well, to celebrate the holiday weekend a little early, I have prepared a “Great Reading” list that wanders a bit from my usual fare. Thanks to all of the people who sent these my way, largely through Twitter.

David Pogue: We Have To Fix E-mail http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/30/we-have-to-fix-e-mail/?ref=personaltechemail&nl=technology&emc=cta1

Trying to figure out how to improve your website content? Read the Ultimate 8-Point Checklist for Remarkable Content http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/18476/The-Ultimate-8-Point-Checklist-for-Remarkable-Content.aspx

I’m sure many lawyers already assist their clients with organizing their personal information, but this is a great article and the Master Information Kit Template, a shared public Google Document linked in the article, is very nice. How to Create an In-Case-of-Emergency Everything Document to Keep Your Loved Ones Informed if Worst Comes to Worst http://lifehacker.com/5817021/in-case-of-emergency-how-to-organize-your-important-records-in-a-master-information-kit 

Google+ was launched this week to a lucky few beta testers. It will soon by coming to everyone. It looks to have a lot of potential. Here’s a pretty good outline of Google+ and a link to the announcement video from Google. http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/28/google-plus/  Watching the group chat video on this next post may convince you that it is time to buy a webcam: Google+ Hangouts Is the Best Free Group Video Chat We’ve Seen http://lifehacker.com/5816722/google%252B-hangout-is-the-best-free-group-video-chat-weve-seen

Here’s information on another tool from Google: Me On The Web: Google's Tool For Online Reputation Management http://www.lawmarketingmonitor.com/professional-reputation/me-on-the-web-googles-tool-for-online-reputation-management/

I think I will invest $3.99 in the Great Backyard Grilling iPad App. The legal technology consultant who reviewed it seems to like it. http://trial-technology.blogspot.com/2011/06/great-backyard-grilling-ipad-app.html

101 Gadgets That Changed The World http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/gadgets/reviews/101-gadgets-that-changed-the-world

There are some really nice law firm web pages on this feature 25 of the Best Law Firm Website Designs http://www.visualswirl.com/inspiration/best-law-firm-website-designs/  However, the design firm that selected the sites having a large Google AdWord placement saying Advertise Here that you must scroll past on their site to get to the nice designs is a bit ironic.

A Manager’s Primer on Asking Better Questions http://creativitycentral.squarespace.com/creativity-central/2011/6/22/a-managers-primer-on-asking-better-questions.html

GoDropBox Gives Google Docs a Drop Box Where Anyone Can Upload http://lifehacker.com/5816864/godropbox-gives-google-docs-a-drop-box-where-anyone-can-upload No relation to Dropbox.com, but an interesting idea if you need many people to share documents with you.

And let’s end with a real “downer” from my podcast partner Sharon Nelson: Your Chance of Being Hacked in Twelve Months Now a "Statistical Certainty" http://ridethelightning.senseient.com/2011/06/your-chance-of-being-hacked-in-twelve-months-now-a-statistical-certainty.html

 Happy Independence Day!