Often soon after you make an electronics purchase, you see a new tool that is cheaper, better or just more shiny. So just a few days after I blogged about my new Sprint Overdrive 3G/4G Mobile HotSpot, when New York Times Personal Tech columnist David Pogue wrote about the Virgin Mobile Novatel MiFi, I was a bit worried that I might be disappointed. I have to say that for many readers the Virgin Mobile MiFi will be a preferred product. It is cheaper at $40 per month and, amazingly, you can pay for a month, then skip a month as needed. So check out Pogue's review and the follow-up comments. Oh, and I forget to mention in my last post that the Droid X will also create a wireless cloud that other devices can use. I guess we may all be our own wireless clouds some day soon. Generating a wireless cloud is nice for your friends and colleagues and also lets one have the WiFi iPad instead of the 3G. Besides, if Sprint gets on the ball with 4G in Oklahoma City, I can have that advantage for a while.