Ride the Lightning is the name of the new blog from Sharon Nelson. Sharon is President of Sensei Enteprises, Inc., an electronic discovery and computer forensics firm. Their firm is nationally known as experts in computer forensics and her husband, John Simek, Vice President of the firm, is maybe the most capable computer technologist I’ve ever met. (A real personal missed opportunity happened a couple of weeks ago when John called me to ask me a tech question. Sadly I didn’t recall the answer and didn’t have time to research it. In my business, having John owe you one would have been huge.) This blog will no doubt become a "go to" site on forensics and discovery. The fact Sharon opened with a couple of posts on computer sex with aliens is just evidence of her understanding of how search engines work and Internet surfers think.
More important (to me anyway) is that she and John have become really my good friends over the years. Sharon and I served on ABA TECHSHOW board together and she followed me as chair of TECHSHOW. This summer she and I launched the podcast The Digital Edge: Lawyers and Technology. This week, she, I and the Utah Bar’s Lincoln Mead will do a presentation to the National Association of Bar Executives on Electronic Discovery: Sharing the Pain. Watch her blog. It will feature many things. But, even though it attacks some technical topics, I don’t think it will ever be boring.