Judge Scott Schlegel from Louisiana was a speaker at the 2023 Oklahoma Access to Justice Summit. Last year, I noted his conviction that both courts and law firms should embrace text message reminders to reduce failure-to-appear issues. Lawyers want to make certain their clients, especially potential new clients, do not miss their scheduled appointments
Technology Trends
ABA TECHSHOW 2024 Early Bird Deadline is this Week. I hope to see you there.
2023 cast a huge spotlight on Artificial Intelligence tools. That means it is a great year to attend ABA TECHSHOW, which will be held in Chicago February 14 – 17, 2024. But it is time to decide now! The Early Bird registration ends on Friday, January 11 Update: The ABA TECHSHOW website now says the…
Artificial Intelligence Tools and Tips
By Jim Calloway and Julie Bays
In August’s Law Practice Tips column, “ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence and the Lawyer,”we covered the development of AI tools and some challenges they have presented to attorneys who did not appreciate the limitations of ChatGPT. This month, we will look at more AI-powered tools and techniques for using them.…
A Great Time to Get Ready to Attend ABA TECHSHOW 2024
Technology innovations and artificial intelligence tools have generated much discussion this year. There have been many truly amazing uses for AI demonstrated and many of the tools we currently use are now adding AI components. This is a perfect time to attend ABA TECHSHOW 2024, scheduled February 14-17, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.…
ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence and the Lawyer
In November 2022, OpenAI released ChatGPT. ChatGPT, along with other artificial intelligence (AI) tools, has dominated the conversation about cutting-edge technology and legal technology tools during 2023. The reactions have ranged from “the most entertaining thing on the internet” to an incredible new tool that will change society in a positive way to a corporate…
Generative AI and Copyright: Collision is Inevitable (Podcast)
Our Digital Edge podcast Generative AI and Copyright: Collision is Inevitable tracks the fact that copyright lawyers is buzzing with the rising possibilities of AI-related legal matters. Is this a major concern in our current era of blossoming AI technologies? Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway welcome Vedia Jones-Richardson to get her expert opinion on a…
New York Times Piece on Using AI to Study Rather Than to Cheat has Great Lessons for Lawyers
As we enter the Artificial Intelligence Age, there is a lot to think about in many aspects of law and society. I encourage you to read Brian X. Chen’s piece in the New York Times Don’t Use A.I. to Cheat in School. It’s Better for Studying. (Gift article link.) The power of the emerging…
A Non-Hysterical Guide to ChatGPT for Lawyers
Attorneys need to know about ChatGPT and other AI tools because your clients will use them and at some point there will be a legal issue. So it’s important to understand the basics.
Some lawyers tell me they have never heard of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence tool from OpenAI, released late last year. I read
Takeaways from ABA TECHSHOW 2023
Every year we attend ABA TECHSHOW and share our thoughts about the conference. But since we wait for the Oklahoma Bar Journal print deadline, our review is published later than all the other bloggers. So while there have now been many reviews of ABA TECHSHOW 2003 written by now, including by well-known attendees like Bob…
Fun and Tips Abound at the 2023 Oklahoma Bar Association Solo & Small Firm Conference
Even as we endure the chilly winds of March, it is time to look forward to this summer’s Solo & Small Firm Conference, held June 22-24 at the Osage Casino Hotel in Tulsa. The conference website is www.okbar.org/solo
I know some of my fellow bar executives from other states follow my blog. I’d encourage you…