This story, Steady guidance in changing times: Practice management advisors help lawyers move forward, appeared in the ABA publication Bar Leader. Our community of Practice Management advisors (PMAs) includes so many smart and talented individuals. Marilyn Cavicchia is a great writer and she interviewed several  of us for this feature..

I’m biased of course, but the bar associations who provide practice management services to their members are providing important information and critical services to their members. Our office frequently schedules consultations with lawyers who don’t use practice management software and don’t know where to start. I sit through several software demonstrations each month. These are useful, But hearing from a trusted advisor in your state who is not financially tied to any software or service is quite useful, especially for the novice shopper.

The PMA group meets regularly (virtually) to exchange ideas and share information. This is a big assist for new PMA starting their careers. I have met several times with stage bar officials in other states where there is no PMA as they consider how to deliver these services. Sometiems