Recently Attorney at Work published my feature Client Portals: A Must-Have Service for Today’s Law Firms. After I covered this subject at virtual ABA TECHSHOW 2021, they reached out to me to write this feature. If you have not yet read it, I strongly encourage you to do so today. The benefits of providing client portals are numerous and I covered many of them in the post. I assume that many of my blog readers have read it as I frequently encourage lawyers to subscribe to AttorneyAtWork. In fact, subscribing to AttorneyAtWork is included in my list of items to do when setting up a new law practice.
I’ve prepared a Continuing Legal Education program on client portals (using the same title as my post) that the Oklahoma Bar Association is offering as a part of a summer CLE series. After purchasing the CLE program, it is available on demand throughout the summer, with initial availability scheduled July 27, 2021. You can register for individual programs or the entire series of six. The other two programs I am teaching in the series are The Changing Qualities of a “People Law” Practice and Alternative Fee Agreements & Alternative Methods of Legal Service Delivery. I’ll be posting more about those here later.
But the benefits of using a client portal are significant for the lawyer and the clients. Lawyers have to sleep, but your portal can be operational 24 hours a day to receive inquiries and documents uploaded from clients as well as allowing them to review documents on their own schedule..
Oklahoma lawyers can register for the seminar here. The one hour CLE is priced at $40. Those who are not members of the Oklahoma Bar Association or taken CLE from us previously can easily set up an account to do so by emailing our CLE Registrar Renee Montgomery at Setting up an account includes no financial obligation.