Online reviews are growing in importance where legal sector marketing is concerned. In January 2021, I published Responding to a Negative Online Review after an ABA Formal Ethics Opinion on the subject was released. This is a challenging area for lawyers to understand. So if you missed my comments before, here is another opportunity.

Today I direct your attention to what I would consider a free advanced course on Google Reviews  posted on YouTube. My counterpart at The State Bar of Wisconsin, Christopher Shattuck, asked me to participate in a virtual program on lawyer networking and marketing. While attending that program I had the opportunity to listen to Joy Hawkins, owner and founder of Sterling Sky, discuss online reviews. It was a great program covering far more than the title of her talk indicated. I subscribed to her email newsletter after watching the program. The State Bar of Wisconsin has now posted her presentation on YouTube. It is over 40 minutes in length. Her talk covers many of the nuts and bolts of how reviews work and is highly recommended!