Lawyers hear a lot about networking. Conferences and CLE programs feature “networking luncheons,” even though the only scheduled activity is eating. Networking opportunities are more challenging today because what used to be networking time in “the old days” is now the time for everyone to pull out their smart phone and disappear into it.

But sometimes it works. I met Dennis Garcia, an Assistant General Counsel for Microsoft, at a College of Law Practice Management meeting while we were standing next to each other in the buffet line for lunch. The line was moving slow. We introduced ourselves and had a nice visit. Afterwards we followed each other on social media and now know more about each other. So networking is still valuable.
But my blog readers are the beneficiary of that meeting now because his blog post last week, A New Decade for #TechIntensity in the Legal Profession, might not have come to my attention otherwise and it is extremely valuable reading. He quotes experts ranging from Peter Drucker to Winston Churchill. So I hope you have time to add it to your end-of-the year reading list, particularity if you practice in a larger law firm. I think you will find his post both enjoyable and challenging.