One year ago I was the guest on Digital Detectives podcast on the topic of Cyber Security for Small Firms and Solo Practice.

This is an important subject and I decided this podcast deserved a repeat promotion. I had occasion to listen to the podcast recently and my five Digital Detectivescybersecurity tips are still important for lawyers, especially in smaller firms.

One thing that has changed since we recorded the podcast is that the ability to “pay the ransom” (if you are so inclined) is now often nonexistent. Once the infection is out in the wild, the authorities can’t do much about preventing the spread, but they’ve been successful in quickly blocking the methods used to pay the ransom in bitcoin.

I was interviewed by my good friends, Sharon Nelson and John Simek and I can guarantee that you will never hear a podcast about cybersecurity with more laughter. The information about today’s cyber threats seems much less scary when it is interspersed with laughter.

Share the link to the podcast with someone you know that needs to listen to it.