Lawyers, what is your sign? No, I’m not referring to your astrological sign but rather the signage for your business. Because of my many years working with lawyers, I pay attention to law offices. Whether traveling across Oklahoma or in other states, I sometimes notice lawyers have TERRIBLE signage. Terrible signage is a problem akin to the problem of having a poor receptionist. The issue with poor signage or a poor receptionist is that it creates a bad first impression. Even if you are a solo practitioner practicing in a small town, have had the same location for years and "everyone knows you," you should be concerned about the first impression you are projecting to the people who just moved into town last week and don't know you. Similarly, that kid who just turned 18, who suddenly needs a lawyer and has never paid attention to lawyers before, doesn’t know you. Even people who know you very well will get a nice little reminder when they see your law firm's name every day as they drive by a well-designed and maintained sign. Peeling paint on your signage gives the impression of someone who doesn't pay attention to detail or is perhaps not successful.
Paying a professional to upgrade your signage with new colors and different lettering will grab attention. Maybe it will even remind someone that they have been meaning to make an appointment with a lawyer. Is your law firm’s phone number on your signage and visible from the street? Whether this is a good idea might depend on your style of practice. But the idea of what should be on your signage certainly merits consideration and a business decision instead of just doing things the way they have always been done.