Your attention is directed to Choosing a Document Automation System by Marc Lauritsen via AttorneyatWork. I've know Marc for many years and he is a recognized expert in this field. So it is very significant that he has shared his goal-setting checklist with us.
Lawyers are often chided as a group for not responding to technological innovations quickly enough. And while there is undoubtedly some truth to that, it is also important to remember that lawyers are often in the risk mitigation business, especially when preparing legal documents. Complain as you wish, but that is why legal documents are often overly long. Every time a new potential risk is identified, some new standard verbiage gets added into legal documents. That is also the reason why lawyers do not rush into things without careful thought.
Lawyers were early adopters of computers (and dedicated word processors) in the workplace precisely because as soon as these tools were available, it made no business sense to pay a secretary to retype an entire document to include a few edits. Many law firms quickly excelled at using forms, copy and paste, templates and other word processing tools to streamline the creation of documents.
As a lawyer plans for her future career or her law firm's future, it is now as simple as this:
A document automation system allows a law firm to create documents more quickly at a lower cost to clients while reducing the opportunity for errors.
Isn't that really all you need to know to begin the process?