So there's this service called Poetweet. Huffington Post profiled it, Poetweet Turns Your Twitter Feed Into A Strange Work Of Art. It analyses your tweets and then turns them into poetry. Since you are not required to provide your login information, I figured "why not?" (And, by the way, here's my Twitter if you aren't following me: @jimcalloway.) 

So here is the sonnet my tweets produced.

Too long
by Jim Calloway

Unbundled Bankruptcy Legal Services
Large photo at top of each post.
With lots of links to good sources.
See the world at very low cost.

Some & that's only 1 state.
I appreciate the mention!
Marketing machine. Is it too late?
Article on Witness Preparation

Just A Little Bit More This Year.
I always like presentations.
Files via Very simple and clear!

Had 123 more on shared pages
Than ? I sure cannot think of one!
If you are willing to make changes.