I’ve spend a lot of time thinking about tomorrow-the legal profession’s tomorrow. This week at the Oklahoma Bar Association Annual Meeting, I get to spend several hour teaching and learning at a CLE program I organized called Tools for Tomorrow’s Lawyers, I also get to moderate a breakfast panel on the future of the legal profession featuring the famed Richard Susskind and hear Prof. Susskind speak to our bar association annual luncheon.
So my article this month, Thinking About Tomorrow should be worth your time. I even include a four step plan to strategize your future, although a couple of the steps are harder if you are not in Tulsa this week. We did add a live webcast for Tools for Tomorrow’s Lawyers.
I didn’t just limit the thoughts to my own, I included discussion of Professor William D. Henderson’s law review article, “Three Generations of U.S. Lawyers: Generalists, Specialists, Project Managers.” I see this particular evolution as unstoppable and suggest lawyers try to understand how it impacts their future.
I also quoted extensively from Ken Grady, the chief executive officer of SeyfarthLean Consulting. I’m all for modernization and improved law firm project management. But Ken has a truly great hypothetical example of how the best lawyers bring wisdom and judgment to the table as well as logic and the law.
Enjoy your tomorrow. But take some time for thinking about and planning for tomorrow–today.