The September/October issue of the ABA Law Practice Magazine covers virtual law practices. I was the guest editor for this issue of the magazine and wrote the story Moving to a Virtual Practice Model – Do You Have the Right Stuff? I won't recapitulate the entire article here, other than to say my conclusion is "it depends." But I have no doubt this business model will prove very attractive to some.
I appreciate all of those who contributed to this issue of the magazine. There is a lot of great content here from a lot of experts. The features include:
The Next Five Years – Predictions for the Future of eLawyering By Richard S. Granat and Marc Lauritsen
Watch Where You Set Your Virtual Foot – Advice on Dealing with Varying State Rules By Daniel J. Siegel
The Untethered Law Office – Tools and Tips for Getting It Done By Jay S. Fleischman
Using Online Service Providers – Where the Duty of Confidentiality Reigns By Kathryn A. Thompson (research counsel for ETHICSearch, a service of the American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility.)
Leading the Virtual Firm By Karen Mackay
Popular Cloud Computing Services for Lawyers: Practice Management Online By Stephanie L. Kimbro and Tom Mighell (Stephanie's blog is a great resources on this topic.)
And there is a related article: Marketing Alternative Fee Arrangements By Mark A. Robertson
There are other greeat columns and articles in this magazine. I hope it can serve as a resource for some of you interested in learning more about virtual law practices.