Sometimes it is easy to forget that the most important thing in your office is you! (Well, you and all the other living, breathing people in your workplace.) Hopefully this "thing" is also important to others outside of work as well.
So your attention is directed to a pair of really nice blog posts.
A Recipe for Law Firm Innovation in 2011 by Allison Wolf was posted this week on slaw. You have heard some of this before, but her Fact and Practice format is very easy to read. I promise you that even if you do not benefit from this personally, then you will instantly think of a lawyer or loved one to whom you wish to send the link.
Attention Divided: Avoid Multi-Tasking by Beverly Michaelis, Practice Management Advisor for the Oregon Professional Liability Fund hones in on another issue that impacts most all office workers. Regardless of whether the scientists say it is possible or not, we all multi-task or attempt to multi-task sometimes. There are some good thoughts and pointers here.