In preparing for an American Bar Association online webinar on social media, I stopped by LexTweet. LexTweet is a service of LexBlog that aggregates and ranks lawyers and others associated with the legal profession who use Twitter. I was impressed by how the number of lawyers who tweet and the number of their followers has exploded since the last time I visited. In particular, I was really impressed that TheJusticeDept holds the number one spot with sports figure or celebrity type of numbers at 341,974 followers. (I'm sure that will increase after this post. J )
There were 79 people listed with 10,000 or more followers. Now, not all of these were lawyers or had their followers based on the law. There were pundits, political activists and a Congressman included. But if you have a Twitter account, it might be interesting for you to go review the list on LexTweet and see if there are some there who you would like to be following.
As I noted I hadn't visited the site in a while and I have to publicly note that in the early days I used to have a decent ranking there, but my 772 followers on Twitter have me clear down on page 58 ranked at number 1372. So, while I'm not usually overly competitive, I did decide to change this blog post headline. (Sorry, Kevin.) You can view my Twitter page at without even signing up for Twitter if you have never tried Twitter. Meanwhile, I'm aiming to move up to ranking number 1350 this month with a little help from my friends!