I never blogged about my Home Sweet Office article due to some technical issues here. But it is clear more and more lawyers are considering an office-based practice. I find it interesting that many of the success stories involve an established lawyers leaving the firm and "moving home," taking his/her existing clients and charging them a lower billing rate. Certainly it is easier for some lawyers to operate out of a home-based practice, such as a lawyer who only does appellate briefs and can met with clients in the trial lawyer's office when hired. Frankly I cannot imagine building a new family law practice, for example, out of a home unless it was part-time and limited. But I know some have done it.
I hope you enjoy the article.
Here's a shout out to Chuck Newton and his Ride the Third Wave Blog, where he has long championed the concept. You should visit his blog and I'm selecting it as my Website of the Week. (A even greater honor since I don't manage to do one every week. :-) )