As courts move more toward e-filing and greater use of digital documents, lawyers will want to be able to use electronic exhibit stamps instead of more cumbersome methods. Rick Borstein of Adobe Systems Incoporated has created some nice exhibits stamps for you to download and use in Adobe Acrobat. They are really easy to use. Earlier this year he provided the simple exhibit stamps here and just a couple of weeks ago he provided these fancy two-line exhibit stamps here for those states that require a case style on the exhibit stamp (or lawyers who just think that looks better.) There are detailed explanations at the links above.
Once you download and install both sets of stamps from the links in the posts noted above, then you just use the stamp feature of Adobe to place them on a document and you are prompted for the exhibit number (and case style on the two line version.)
If you've never done this type of download before, the download actually opens in a browser window with the instructions on where to save it and you use "File – Save as" to save it in the right place on your system. If you cannot see said "right place," you may have to go to Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) to make all folder settings visible, including those that Microsoft says by default most mere mortals should not see.
Thanks, Rick Borstein, for this free tool. And, let me note again that the law firm that wants to better use Adobe Acrobat in the office should make use of Rick's free Adobe Acrobat training videos focused on law office operations.