Marketing guru Larry Bodine said Twitter was not a good marketing tool for lawyers and the Twitterverse reacted strongly against those comments. Lawyers USA interviewed me and some others about the controversy and did this post on it. While I tend to agree with Larry, I wouldn't have used his exact language. Twitter is a lot of fun and someone who really enjoys using it can probably generate some clients over the long haul. I just think if you measure time invested vs. likely results there are more efficient marketing tools. So if you enjoy Twitter, have at it.

The Nutmeg Lawyer did a lengthy post on Schmoozing as a marketing tool and quoted me in it as well. The Schmooze was a great marketing tool long before there was an Internet.

I'm going to be talking about legal marketing to the Association of Immigration Lawyers of America at their Annual Conference in Las Vegas on Friday and I intend to mention both Twitter and Schmoozing as well as other ideas.