Bob Ambrogi once called Matt Homann the "Confucius of the legal profession."
I've known Matt for several years, so long ago that it was back when his blog, the [non]billable hour, used to discuss alternative billing. I congratulated Bob on that characterization because Matt does provide a lot of information in a form that would fit perfectly if you read it after cracking open Fortune Cookie [Lawyer's Edition.]
So it is no surprise to learn that Matt loves Twitter with its 140 character limit. Yes, Matt tweets — a lot. But for those of you who don't follow Matt on Twitter, (Matt would want me to add — yet!) he has summarized his 100 favorite tweets about law practice into a free e-book: Thinking About Law Practice in 140 Characters or Less. Some are fun. Many are insightful. But you cannot read all 100 without thinking seriously about your law practice client service model. One Sample: "Firing bad clients doesn’t put them out of their misery, but it puts them out of yours."