I'm going to do a live webcast on a cutting edge topic on December 16, 2008 if any of you are interested. "What Space? Social Networking for Attorneys" with Jim Calloway, Director of OBA Management Assistance Program
Use of social networking websites has exploded with some situations that have generated headlines. Should a lawyer use one of the social networking platforms such as Facebook or MySpace in an attempt to market or develop a web presence? What should a lawyer advise a client about using Web 2.0 and social networking applications, especially during litigation? Family lawyers report numerous situations where relevant evidence is now contained on social networking sites, blogs, comments to postings, photo sharing sites and other similar websites. What does the lawyer need to know about social networking websites?
This webcast will be broadcast LIVE over the Internet on Tuesday, December 16, 2008, starting 12:00 PM Central Time. It lasts 90 minutes. You may access this event from anywhere with an established Internet connection. There is a cost for this Oklahoma Bar Association CLE program.