I'm passing this along as one of those "every lawyer's worst nightmare" stories. Hopefully a judge has discretion to let this mistake be repaired. A motion is now pending. But imagine a partner learning that a law firm associate and law clerk managed to obligate a client to purchase millions of dollars in assets the client didn't want when they were just trying to print part of an Excel spreadsheet to a PDF file so that it could be filed with the bankruptcy. This was a purchase of assets in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy case. There's plenty of blame to go around. The client didn't get the law firm the list of assets until four hours before the deadline for filing. The law clerk was just trying to make the PDF file more readable. But no one noticed that the new version was 179 rows longer than the original until days after the transaction had been completed.
The lesson here as we all know, dating back to the pre-computer era, is to proofread important documents one last time before filing with the court. This time it is a PDF formatting error. Next time it will be that the printer ran out of paper and didn't print the last four pages of the attachment. Read the story as told by Computerworld here. I have no independent verification. But if the story is true, I hope the judge is charitable.