Attorney Ralph Losey publishes the e-Discovery Team Blog. He has posted over 100 items there in the last 18 months. Of particular note is his most recent post where he mentions how useful the search features of his sites are and then provides summaries of his 31 "favorite" e-Discovery cases complete with links to the complete opinions. What a great resource! 

I got a kick out of Martin v. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, 2006 WL 148991 (M.D Fla. Jan. 19, 2006) where the court held ignorance of technology is no excuse for failing to comply with e-discovery requests. The District Court held that the attorney’s “claim that he is so computer illiterate that he could not comply with production is frankly ludicrous.”

Ralph Losey is also the author of e-Discovery: Current Trends and Cases. I am pleased to recognize e-Discovery Team Blog as my Website of the Week.