Here are a few quick tips from ABA TECHSHOW 2008, now headquartered at its new location at the Chicago Hilton.
For a small powerful scanner with a small footprint, Paul Unger loves the Fujitsu 6140c which scans at at blazing 60 ppm in monochrome and sells in the $1500 -$2000 range.
As we move more to using digital documents rather than paper documents, we need to think about how users will be reading them. If you have a document with attachments, you will, of course, want to have a hyperlink within the document that takes you to each attachment. But also, you should add a hyperlink at the top of each attachment labeled "BACK" that takes the reader back to their original location.
Google Calendar can now automatically synchronize with Outlook.
If your office does a lot of shredding, here’s a new reason to consider one of those companies that places secure bins in your office and sends a truck to shred them when they get full. Freeing your workplace from "the constant drone of shredders in the office" may be a quality of workplace life issue, according to Debbie Foster.
There’s more. But there’s more ABA TECHSHOW 2008 about to start downstairs. I make no pretence about being objective about ABA TECHSHOW. It’s the greatest! For more live updates from ABA TECHSHOW, check out the new TECHSHOW Buzz.