My "Tips Lists" theme week is drawing to a close, so I’m doubling up today.
30+ Useful Websites You Probably Didn’t Know About is a nice, recently-posted collection of useful links. The author says, "[w]e are talking about pure, no nonsense, get something done now, kind of sites." Take it from someone who has seen and prepared hundreds of link sets. It is a collection worth visiting.
11 Solid Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills is a short article that is great for lawyers (or anyone else.) As most of us understand, the trick to good time management isn’t so much learning about new time management tools as having the self-discipline to use the simple techniques you already know every day. (Well, OK, let’s just shoot for most days.) You can save the money and time to read a book on time management if you just start using some of these methods.
Now why would I group this two totally different topics in one post? Well, these two were both found at a site I just discovered called Dumb Little Man, which focuses on providing tips for all aspects of life.