The 2007 Oklahoma Bar Solo & Small Firm Conference 2007 is over, which means I don’t have to think about conference planning and details until about the middle of August, when we start gearing up for intial 2008 planning. We had a great turnout this year at Tanglewood Resort, about 200 attendees and another 200 guests, vendors, staff and family members. Our out-of-state guest presenters included Jay Foonberg, author of How to Start and Build a Law Practice, PracticePro’s Dan Pinnington (who was chair of ABA TECHSHOW 2007) and Alabama Bar practice management advisior Laura Calloway, who is also on the ABA TECHSHOW planning board.
Our local lawyers gave lots of great presentations geared for the solo and small lawyers as well. We had lots of law practice management information, along with more substantive sessions such as jury selection, depositions, DUI defense, estate planning and paternity determinations. You should check out the photo highlights from the conference.
There are more and more of these conferences each year. In my spare time, I planning next fall’s ABA GPSolo National Solo and Small Firm Conference with Deb Matthews and Ross Kodner. You can find more information on that at .