Most of you know I am a believer in using keyboard shortcuts. It is a lot quicker to hit a pair of keys as opposed to navigating with the mouse. I’ve blogged about this before and provided a downloadable keyboard shortcut "cheat sheet." But today I want to talk about one particular keyboard shortcut that protects your privacy as well as your clients’ privacy. That is hitting the Windows key (with the Windows logo) and at the same time the L key (for lock.)  This locks the computer and no one can access it again until you hit Cntrl+Alt+Delete and enter your password.

If you are leaving the computer to take a brief break, make a habit of locking it every time. I know you don’t allow anyone access to your office whom you do not trust. But still, maybe you don’t want your secretary to read that e-mail from your spouse or see just how far along you really are on that brief or view that open online game. This is just a good business privacy habit.

If the article and cheat sheet linked above are not enough for you, check out Wikipedia’s keyboard shortcut table.