It seems to me that one of the trends we will see in legal blogging is an emergence of group blogs. After all, really significant well thought-out blog posts can take some time to craft and a lot of really great lawyers don’t have a lot of free time on their hands. Combining efforts can mean a more regular stream of content and likely a greater readership of the posts one does make. It may dillute some of the marketing effect, but that may not be a primary goal of some of these lawyer-bloggers anyway.
The Trial Lawyer Resource Center is an excellent example of this kind of blog. It is very visually appealing. The contributions of thirteen Contributing Attorneys and guest posters keep regular content flowing. The site breaks with the usual blog convention of posts chronologically displayed in favor of focusing on the categories, with two or three recent posts displayed under categories like "Openings and Closings" or "Case Work Up." You can explore the category for more content. Instead of visiting an online diary or journal, here the feeling is more like stopping by a concise reference library. Using the About tab to explain the three best ways to peruse the site is a nice touch, particularly since many trial lawyers who are not regular readers of blogs may visit here. This is a relatively new blog, with regular postings beginning in August, 2006.
The TLRC already has a lot of nice content and has a huge potential for growth. Do some trial lawyers you know a favor and send them the URL for this blog. (Or send them the Permalink for this post.)
The Trial Lawyer Resource Center is my Website of the Week.
But, just in case any of those involved with this great site read this post, let me offer a couple of bits of constructive criticism. Even though I love the appearance and know many readers will just subscribe to the RSS or e-mail feed, you still will have many visitors to the site. Most everyone likes to know what the latest news is. Instead of having to scroll alllllll the way down for the Recent Updates list, move that up "above the fold" and bump one of the categories lower. My second concern? Well, gee, you don’t have any practice management blogs in the your lists of other blogs. (Hint, hint.)