Everyone loves a Top Ten list. After posting about the Top Ten Flicker Hacks a few days ago, I decided I’d spend some time looking for some more Top Ten lists. It has been several weeks since I had time for any semi-pointless Web surfing and it turned out to be fun. There are countless “Top” lists on the WWW, so I decided to limit my collection to lists of either recent vintage or great usefulness (or strangeness.)

Warning: The following links carry lots of useful information, but also the potential for the wasting of a significant number of billable hours. I also have not carefully reviewed all of the linked sites and some may feature content objectionable to some readers. I found so much material that I haven’t had time to read it all myself.

So let’s start with the Top Ten Essential Travel Gadgets. This is great reading for the road warriors. I don’t own most of these, but I do carry a multi-tool in my shave kit and I use it frequently. This is followed by 10 Top Ten Gadget lists, ranging from the ten strangest clocks to the ten strangest keyboards.

Top Ten Largest Databases in the World is from BusinessIntelligenceLowdown.com. I’d never heard of this site before. But they had another interesting feature, How to Be a Manager that Your Employees Respect: 73 Surefire Tips. This is great material for anyone with employees. (I will definitely visit this site again or subscribe to its RSS, but I have to note that a website offering tips to the business community probably shouldn’t have Google ads. It makes it look amateurish.)

PC World has many top ten features, like The Top 10 Tech Stories of 2006. I also must note The 15 Best Places to Waste Time on the Web. (OK, maybe you are better off not knowing of these.) Here are many more PC World Top Ten lists generated by searching the site.

Even though you may have all of the degrees you want, you may still appreciate the Top Web Tools for College Students. If you want to spend way too much time contemplating how to improve the Google ranking for your web site, here are Ten Top Ten Search Engine Optimization lists.

As a dedicated Gmail user, I can’t skip Top 10 Gmail Tips and Hacks. Some of these are at the expert level, but some are for everyone, like “A recent and quietly introduced Gmail feature is Mail Fetcher, which can check up to five other e-mail accounts and download all that mail into your Gmail. To help keep things organized, Mail Fetcher can automatically label and archive all this incoming mail.”

Ten Effective Workplace Habits is maybe a bit mislabeled. It is more about career planning and development than actually getting work done.

OK, I’ve got to stop now. But I’ve accumulated more material. So I will do a follow up next week. I’ve got top 50 and top 25 lists, along with more top 10 lists. But feel free to e-mail more list suggestions to me (except for lawyer jokes.)