As a young lawyer, one of my early "finds" was the Directory of Oklahoma. The book was later renamed the Oklahoma Almanac. This thick book was published every other year by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. It contains a wealth of information about our state, local government, geography and such. I always loved having all of the addresses and phone numbers of government officials and agencies in one book. Well, I recently learned that the Oklahoma Almanac is online in PDF format. I’d think many Oklahoma lawyers would at least want to download the ABC Chapter (Agencies, Boards and Commissions.) Considering the cost of paper and printer cartridges you might just want to order a copy for $15.00 plus $2.15 s/h. Even though it was printed in 2005, they are still in stock. You may not find a better bargain for your law library at only $8.575 per year.

Placing the information in this book on the WWW for free earns the Oklahoma Almanac from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries a mention as Website of the Week.