It is day one of ABA TECHSHOW. Last night I got to see lots of old friends at the TS speakers’ welcome reception and LexThink. I started off the morning with a breakfast with several other state bar practice management advisors and representatives from the Chicago Bar Association who are investigating how to implement a practice management program in their city. I hope they succeed. I then went to a great program by Dan Pinnington Excel at Excel. I am now sitting in a presentation called Ebenezer Scrooge’s Law Office: Technology for Pennypinchers with  Bruce Dorner and Cory Furman. They’ve focused on technology strategic planning, budgeting and implementation. It is certainly true that the most expensive piece of law office technology is the investment that sits around unused. We’ve all had our bad experiences with "shelfware."

I’ve already picked up a couple of pointers and seen some cool new product demonstrations. Law Practice Magazine has asked me to write an article about cool things I learned at TECHSHOW. The thing about TECHSHOW is you may learn something really important in the hall or an afterhours event. It is one of the "friendliest" events you will ever attend.