What could holiday gifts, predictions on legal technology in 2006 and local search all have in common?  Well, they are all topics featured in the December issue of the e-zine, LLRX.com.

As you know, I’ve already had two brief posts about Holiday Gifts for Lawyers, here and here. But Jeff Beard has a great outline of cool techno-gifts, great online shopping sites and more. 

Dennis Kennedy does his annual predictions for the upcoming year in legal technology. It is really a must read article, even if you think Dennis may be guessing wrong. (With so many predictions, some must be right and others must be wrong.) But you will enjoy reading about the future, according to Dennis.

ABA webmaster Fred Faulkner asks "Are You Ready for Local Search?" He makes a point with which I completely agree. As local search tools become more utlized by the public, it becomes an absolute necessity for a law firm to have a web site.  I’m going to post more about this tomorrow, so stay tuned and read these three great articles today.