Here’s an article I found on LifeHacker entitled Ten "Must Have " Bookmarklets. Bookmarklets are small bits of javascript that you can save in your Favorites. But instead of just taking your browser to a favorite Web page, they can perform other actions. If you don’t get bookmarklets, let me give you an example you may appreciate. Readers of this blog know I really like services like TinyURL to make shorter links to web pages for e-mailing or even communicating verbally over the phone.
The Tiny URL bookmarklet is here:
After going to that page, right click on the link to the bookmarklet and save it to your Favorites. (Some of you may want to put it on the Links Toolbar in IE as they suggested, but mine is full with higher priorities.) Then I opened my Favorites and moved this new one from the bottom to near the top of the list. Just drag and drop it higher on the list.
It looks just like a normal Favorite, but here’s the benefit.
Assume that I am already at a webpage and want to create a tiny URL for it to paste into an e-mail or for some other purpose.
Old method:
Copy the URL from the webpage to my clipboard
Surf to
Paste it it into the data window in Tinyurl
Click the button to create the Tiny URL
(Tiny URL has improved to automatically copy the new URL to your clipboard and save that additional step.)
New method:
Click Favorites and Select the TinyUrl Bookmarklet (which looks like the
other favorites)
As I see the TinyURL Web Page appear, I know that the task is done and
the new URL has already been copied to my clipboard.
For more bookmarklets, see One bookmarklet I like that wasn’t mentioned in the article referenced above was page freshness, which allows you to see when a Web page you are viewing was last updated. It is here.