Fred Faulkner passed the music baton meme to me. It wasn’t an inital cause for rejoicing. The music baton involves answering five questions on your blog about your taste in music and passing them along to other bloggers. Since I am a lawyer, this gave me a chance to overanalyze the situation. After all, I’d made a rule that this blog wasn’t going to be about me and my personal life. And I assumed that if I broke the rule it would be to write something really funny, like OKC attorney Jimmy Bunn’s essay "Ah, the Joys of Parenthood." Plus I tried to avoid long posts.
But what the heck, the good thing about self-imposed rules is the ability to break them with few consequences. Yes, Fred, it turned out to be fun.
The five questions:
What is my total volume of music?
I guess I should be happy to have an answer at all here. Until I got my iPod for Christmas, I had pretty much relegated my listening to whatever was playing on radio (usually the classic rock stations) and loading in a mix of Jimmy Buffett, Reggae and some Zydeo/Cajun CD’s when we were poolside out back. Looks like at present it is 1343 songs totaling 4.70 GB. How pitiful is that? There are still a few unconverted CD’s.
What is the last CD I bought?
At the risk of sounding positively antediluvian, I note that post-iPod I purchased the digitally remastered version of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon and also a Best of the 70’s collection from the discount bin at Walmart on the theory that I would likely download 6 or 7 of the songs from iMusic at 99 cents each anyway, making the rest of the CD essentially free. Those might be the last CD’s ever with iTunes being so easy to use.
What song is playing right now?
Sixteen Tons by Brave Combo. Great cover of the Tennessee Ernie Ford classic.
What five songs do I listen to a lot because they are special to me?
Louisiana 1927 by Aaron Neville. Just a great, soulful song from a great singer. Marcia Ball’s version is very different, but outstanding as well.
Anything/everything by Jimmy Buffett. I’ll narrow it down to two: He Went to Paris and One Particular Harbor. (But, wait, that leaves out A Pirate Looks at Forty.) As I look back on life, I’m sure I’ll regret not going to enough Jimmy Buffett concerts. Maybe after Brave Combo, I’ll tune to Radio Margaritaville.
The Load Out/Stay by Jackson Browne. You have to love David Lindley’s falsetto on Stay.
Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. The classic rock anthem!
Dirty Laundry by Don Henley. "It’s got a good beat, it’s easy to dance to" and it still seems like a very accurate commentary on the state of broadcast journalism today.
Five people I’m passing the musical baton to?
Five? What is this- some sort of chain letter?
I’ll settle for three. Two are friends whose blogs I have been meaning to mention here anyway.
1. Bob Kraft and his P.I.S.S.D. blog (The initials stand for Personal Injury, Social Security Disability, but he admits to an attitude about injured people not getting their due.)
2. Steve Terrell with Hoosier Lawyer and Hoosier Daddy blogs.
3. And third is Jimmy Frazier, OBA member, staff attorney for a federal appellate court and a likely finalist in any national "attorney with most CD’s" competition.
Bonus link: Rolling Stone’s Top 500 songs of All Time