Effective this week (June 1) a new Federal Trade Commission regulation requires the destruction of sensitive information dervived from consumer credit reports. This regulation specifically applies to attorneys as well as other businesses. Hopefully, most law firm procedures already comply with the new rules due to concerns of client confidentiality. But those with bankruptcy and collection practices (and many others) should review their procedures. If you have not done so already, one tip is to replace all (or most) of the waste paper baskets in the office with inexpensive small shredders available at any office supply store. Care should be taken with discarding old backup media and hard drives as well. For more information on this aspect of Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA), see the FTC press release announcing the regulation, the FTC Business alert with details and, if you are really into pain, all 36 pages of the regulation as published in the CFR. Thanks to BeSpacific and ace paralegal Celia C. Elwell for the info.