October 2009

"Why is my email broken?" was the title of a blog post today by my friend, Ernie the Attorney. He begins, "Almost everyone I know who uses email extensively for work is overwhelmed by email….Some people declare 'email bankruptcy,' which means that they delete all the emails in their inbox and then start from scratch.

Mitch Jackson has been really turning out some nice tips on his Trial Lawyer Tips blog. I don't do jury trials any more, but I wanted to pass along this nice resource to my readers and encourage Mitch and co-blogger Lisa Wilson to keep up the good work.

I'm a member of the American Bar Association, but many lawyers are not.

I want to mention two magazines from the ABA that many of you might find useful. You can subscribe to even if you are not an ABA member. One is Law Practice, published by the ABA Law Practice Management Section. You can

So many things to do, so little time. For a profession with a long tradition of recording time task-by-task as the day goes on, we still seem to lose time during the workday. Every lawyer has had the experience of working hard all day and noticing completed time sheets total far less than hours worked.

I got a chance to meet Gerry Riskin and hear him speak last week. As many of you know, Gerry is a principal of Edge International and shares his wisdom with us through his Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices blog.

Gerry discussed Social Media as it related to the legal profession. Social Media suffers in our

Every now and then you get backed up. In my world right now, it is having too many things you would like to blog about when I have three or four major papers due in the next few days. My friend Dennis Kennedy dealt with that problem by starting a Dennis Kennedy Microblog. Well

As courts move more toward e-filing and greater use of digital documents, lawyers will want to be able to use electronic exhibit stamps instead of more cumbersome methods. Rick Borstein of Adobe Systems Incoporated has created some nice exhibits stamps for you to download and use in Adobe Acrobat. They are really easy to use.